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Trust & Train COMBO
Trust and Train Combo
Would you like to experience the Gentle Trauma Release Method© firsthand? Are you intrigued about how the Gentle Trauma Release Method© can transform lives…including your own? With the Trust and Train COMBO, you can now experience the healing power of the Gentle Trauma Release Method© for yourself as a client before you join the Gentle Trauma Release© Training as a student. Why say YES to the Trust and Train Combo?
Try it : Experience the Gentle Trauma Release Method© for yourself first – as a client. The Combo allows you to see how the method works for you personally before stepping into the training.
Trust it : Enjoy a special package rate for both experiencing the Gentle Trauma Release sessions for your healing benefit and transitioning into full training. We’d like you to trust it and feel fully confident before the next step.
Train in it : If you fall in love with the Method once you’ve tried it, you can join the Gentle Trauma Release Training at a reduced price: We will deduct the cost of your Gentle Trauma Release Coaching Package ($395 USD) from your tuition.

We have handpicked several certified Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioners who have agreed to work with those who’d like to experience the healing power of Gentle Trauma Release Method© at a friendlier rate. You can now enjoy a Gentle Trauma Release Coaching Package as a client at a special rate of $395 USD. And it gets better…
If you love Gentle Trauma Release© after experiencing it for yourself and decide to train with us, we’ll reduce your tuition by the $395 USD you paid for your Gentle Trauma Release COACHING PACKAGE.
Step #1
your Coaching Package at a special rate of $395 USD
Step #2
Gentle Trauma Release Method for yourself as a client
Step #3
Gentle Trauma Release Training and claim your $395 USD credit
The Coaching Package
The best way to trust a healing, therapeutic tool is through personal experience. The Gentle Trauma Release Coaching Package is the “trust part” of the Trust and Train COMBO. It allows you to personally experience the power of this gentle but powerful method as a client before stepping into the next phase as a student in our Gentle Trauma Release© Training.
The Gentle Trauma Release Coaching Package is brought to you by seasoned, certified Practitioners who have been using the Gentle Trauma Release Method© with their clients for several years. This is a rich package containing one-on-one sessions, as well as additional healing materials such as handouts, audios and access to the Practitioner in between the healing sessions.
Unlock your tuition credit : As you explore the Gentle Trauma Release Method© via your Coaching Package, you’ll also unlock an exclusive benefit: If you decide to join our training program, the $395 USD you paid for your Coaching Package will be fully credited toward your Gentle Trauma Release© Training tuition.

Before you dive into your healing journey, you want to be clear on where exactly your past trauma holds you back in life. Believe it or not, in just a short time, you will feel better. This first step will make it possible to uncover where healing is needed the most. The assessment included in the Prework will allow you to later track just how far you’ve come. In the Prework, you will receive:

1 x 45 min Gentle Intake Session
Easy-Breezy Intro To Trauma Audio Recording
Wholistic Wellbeing Assessment
Week #1:
There is nothing like experiencing a sense of relief after releasing the burden of stress and trauma that we’ve been carrying on our shoulders for a long time. This is where you begin this journey of healing: You’ll release, at least one core traumatic memory in Week #1 and master a trauma-release technique that you’ll be able to use on your own, as well. In Week #1, you will receive:

1 x 60-90 min Gentle Trauma Release Private Session
1 x Gentle Trauma Release Instruction handout
Guided Trauma Release Session Audio Recording
Week #2:
Now that your body feels a bit calmer, you can dive into a deeper emotional clean-up. You will discover the tools that will set you up for a life of emotional freedom. You will get access to a structured way of de-traumatizing your system to enhance your trauma-release healing process and increase your wellbeing. In Week #2, you will receive:

1 x 60-90 min Let’s Get Deeper Private Session
1 x Healing Traumatic Emotions Instructions Handout
Emotional Freedom Plan Training Audio
Emotional Freedom Plan Template
Week #3:
The previous two weeks of Gentle Trauma Release assured significant emotional relief. You will now clear the remaining memories that keep you in traumatization mode. You will also create a Contingency Plan so you have a long-term trauma & stress prevention strategy in place and know where to go next. In Week #3, you will receive:

1 x 60-90 min Sustain Your Wellbeing Private Session
Next Healing Steps Suggestions
1 x No Sweat Wellbeing Plan

Choose Your Practitioner
These Practitioners will welcome you to the “Trust And Train COMBO”. Pick one, book your free Consultation and start your Gentle Trauma Release journey.
My name is Ramona Kossowan. I have my own private practice as a fitness trainer and healthy lifestyle coach. The healing tool that I rely on heavily in my work with clients is the Gentle Trauma Release Method©. It allows me to uncover the root cause of my clients’ problems and help them in a powerful way.
As one of the first graduates of the Gentle Trauma Release© Training, I know this training inside out. I use the Gentle Trauma Release Method© in my daily work with clients. I also practice Gentle Trauma Release© on myself to support my own well-being.
Once you are healed and resilient, the desire and self-discipline to move toward your goals & dreams will flow to you more easily. I can’t wait to walk this journey with you!

My name is Janina Schick. I have always been driven to fully explore and understand the interconnection of body mind and soul. I hold a degree in Holistic Health Therapies from Germany and I trained in numerous healing modalities, including Craniosacral Therapy, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Mindfulness and more.
However, it’s only now that I have the Gentle Trauma Release Method© under my belt that I feel fully equipped and confident in my work with people, knowing that I can truly help. My mission is to support and empower others to grow in self-awareness and understanding of themselves so that they can create and maintain long-lasting health and well-being.
When we get out of balance, our body, mind, and soul present us with different symptoms. By understanding these symptoms and using them as a guide, we can find our way back to happiness, fulfillment and joy. I would love to be your ally on your healing journey!

My name is Kathie Murgel. In my coaching practice, my dream is to help women awaken the voice within so they can speak and live their empowered truth.
I come from a background rooted in old-world Italian traditions…where I became deeply affected by the restrictions imposed on my free-spirited mother and eventually on myself. I understood early on that my reality as a girl would be different from that of my brothers. I believed that I would never have the gift of choice and that my dreams would be replaced with obligation and duty. Later in life, my marriage was arranged, and with two children I endured 13 years of abuse until I made a decision that this would not be my life story.
I now understand that most of my life was lived by what Dr. Gabor Mate calls “the invisible force that shapes our lives”. The traumatic events in my life shaped the way I lived and viewed the world as an unsafe place to be. Once I addressed the root of my deepest wounds with The Gentle Trauma Release Method©, I was able to return to a resilient state of being and finally live my empowered truth. This is where my love for helping women heal began.

My name is Maria Wagner and I’m from Germany. I’m a licensed alternative practitioner in psychotherapy (Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie) and a certified Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioner. After completing various certifications and training, I chose to focus on body-centered trauma work using the Gentle Trauma Release Method©.
My path was strongly influenced by a personally challenging time a few years ago. It was then that I learned the profound importance of addressing trauma to achieve true and lasting healing. This realization inspired me to support others on their path to resolving trauma and to help them face challenges with openness, courage, and trust.
In addition to my therapeutic work, I draw inspiration from my role in social work with children and adolescents, as well as from my deep passion for dance. Both remind me of the beautiful connection between body, mind, and soul. I see helping people reconnect with their true selves as my life’s purpose. I look forward to walking alongside you on your journey!
Note: Maria is the perfect choice for German speakers.

The first step : The Trust and Train Combo is a unique opportunity to explore the Gentle Trauma Release Method© and decide if it’s the right fit for your journey. Whether you’re seeking personal healing or looking to expand your ability to help others, this is your moment to start.
I can honestly say it changed my life
“The Gentle Trauma Release Method© is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only did I acquire the life-changing knowledge offered in this course, I also met and regularly engage with an amazing group of strong, compassionate human beings who are committed to helping others by sharing what they know. This, alone, is priceless.
The course contents are masterfully organized and presented in easy-to-follow modules, through which I was able to work at my own pace. The Private GTR Student Facebook page offers a safe space to ask questions and share concerns or experiences, all of which are handled in a gentle supportive manner. And the feedback on assignments, practicum sessions and personal experiences is always insightful and constructive.
I came away from this course with a solid understanding of trauma and its symptoms, the science and principles behind the Method and its protocols, and a clear roadmap on how to structure sessions to ensure my clients gained the most benefit from this gentle healing process.
I wear my badge as a certified Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioner proudly and am honored to be among its avid supporters because I know what it can do to bring relief from trauma. I cherish its many gifts and I can honestly say it changed my life. I cannot imagine any healer or client who would not benefit from the Gentle Trauma Release Method©.”